Blog Entries - 2015

Department of Labor Set to Increase Exempt Employee Salary Level
Written by: Melissa Hobson The US Department of Labor (DOL) currently allows businesses who employ executive, administrative, and professional positions to pay them a salary as opposed to an hourly wage plus overtime

Fastest way to get on the IRS's radar
written by: Larry Warner Jr. Unpaid Business Payroll Taxes…the Ultimate Red Flag Nearly every business faces cash flow problems at some point in its life cycle. It’s tempting to use employee

Exempt Organizations and Key Employees
Our clientele includes a multitude of tax exempt clients. We do their audits and tax work and one of the often asked questions is the definition of a key employee. Who is and who isn’t? The exempt organizations

Small Business Tax Benefit
Are you tired of giving your kids allowance for little to no housework? Need a way to lower taxes on your business? Fortunately, Congress put has a law in place that benefits the small business owner that will

Will the IRS agree that your S Corp owner wages are reasonable?
Over the past five years, S Corporation compensation has become a key issue with the IRS. So much so that with the discussion of comprehensive tax reform, the IRS is considering making S Corporation profits

Lottery Winners Can Be BIG Losers!
Occasionally we encounter clients that hit it big at the casino, win the lottery or perhaps even a sweepstakes. Often times, in their excitement of winning, they begin spending their fortune on items they normally